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2019/4/24 9:21:00










I have listened carefully. You have raised all different aspects of your businesses. As for as I believe, they are all within the frame of sustainable development goals which UN has announced and adopted in September 25.


As you may notice, I am carrying all these badges. This is a badge of sustainable development goals. They are in 17 different colors representing each goal, starting from poverty eradication to partnership N0.17.


You raised healthcare issue, agriculture, education, technical innovation, water, urbanization and inclusiveness etc. Those are the ones which UN is very much committed. Philosophy of the sustainable development goals is to leave no one behind. We believe that there are 7.5 billion people. 1.4 billion, that is 20% of the global population. You are taking huge challenge.


There are some good education issues. As you may know, there are still 57 million people out of school. Those children who are of school aged. 57 million, they are not educated. We have to bring all these 57 million people by 2030 all into school and provide quality education, not only primary, but middle class education. This is again quite ambitious target we are working very hard for.


This education is of one of the highest priority which we do, like healthcare issues. There is no such priority among 17 goals. All 17 goals are equally important, but in reality, there are certain priorities which we call it cross-cutting issues. It crosses all the spectrums of our life. They are poverty eradication, nutrition, welfare, health, education, water, energy. Without energy, you cannot do anything in this century. Without water, you cannot survive particularly safe drinking water. These are very important ones.


Climate change covers whole spectrum of our earth and our humanity. It is very important for the entrepreneurs like you. You are successful entrepreneurs. You are one of the leaders of your society wherever you may belong to. You are responsible persons in terms of accountability, transparency in your business. If your businesses are not operated in transparent and accountable manner, then the whole society will be sort of corrupt.


You are also responsible to protect and respect human dignity of all your employees. They should be treated fair and equal among all the people. These are important principles and values. You are leading your firms. You may be largest shareholder . That belongs to your society, your country, in a broad sense humanity.


Please bear sense of responsibility. You are part of very important mission UN has set on. In the name of sustainable development goals, In the name of Paris Climate Change Agreement. I rised climate change issues.


My concern is that the US has withdrawn from Paris Climate Change Agreement. What happens, there is a big vacuum hole created. New Brazilian president, he said he would withdraw. Brazil is one of the largest greenhouse gas emitting country, but the most important, the US,there is big hole created.


This vacancy should be filled by somebody. I pointed out China should do much more now. China has already met a certain target which they declared by 2020 they will reduce greenhouse gas emission by 51% or something like this. You have already achieved by 2017. 3 years before the target


Chinese government and business leaders you are having greater responsibilities on your shoulders. During my terms, I have being focused on the importance of this UN Global Compact. I think at least almost1000 Chinese firms have joined this campaign. It has about 10 principles.


First, you should have very good smooth management and employer and employee relationship. Then there should be transparent operation, accountable operation, climate resilient operation. You have to change your production and consumption patterns. Please bear in mind remember even a single drop of water your factory or company uses is precious. Even a single sheet of paper, water electricity, very precious and important.


So I am urging you to bear much greater sense of responsibilities, social responsibilities. That is what now you are carrying. Whether you recognize it or not, everybody is looking to you. To bear and carry out on these responsibilities. Again, I really account on your leadership, your commitment as CEO of important companies.


I thank you for Dr. Li for this AI super powers. I am just ignorant about this kind of technology, but what I know is with the 4th industrial revolution, with all these AI technology, it will change the way you work, the way you communicate, the way you live. It will make transformative changes of our live. Robotics, cloud computing, big data and thing of internet, these will bring tremendous change to the way you think and the way you act. Please be prepared to use to the full extent of technology.


At the same time, there is the issue of morality. These machines and technologies just overpower everything human has been doing. Therefore, we need to have wisdom and there need to be certain balance and certain limits. Then we could use these without breaking all these morality as human. If it really affects, intrudes, breaks the conscious and morality of humankind, which will create serious problem.


That is one aspect of concern. The UN secretary general has already initiated to think about this kind of possibility, how this kind of AI will affect humanity and our planet. Let the UN be the guide. It is important the scientist the people who are capable to continue to expand their scientific scope for betterment of humanity. Those are some comments based on what you said.


I am asking you please remember, please bear in mind, you are one of the very responsible political social economic leaders of our society. That means you are bearing a heavy responsibility for our community. Boao forum has a very good theme, I think. Shared future. We share the same destiny as human being. You may be able to drive 100 miles per hour. You may be able to drive 50 miles per hour. But in the end, the destination is the same.


We share the same future, same destiny. Another is concerted actions. There is nobody, no country who can do it alone. China, very rich, powerful, resourceful, you cannot address global challenges alone unless you work together with other counties.


This is concerted action. Common development. This is what UN has already been saying nobody left behind. We have to bring these people out of poverty. We have to work for those people who would be poor, who would have physical disadvantages, disabilities, or who would be otherwise socially marginalized people. This is common development. So the Boao forum has presented the broad and very practical themes which you should bear in mind.
