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2019/5/20 23:18:00


5月20日,据报道,华为将失去对Android操作系统更新的访问权限,而中国以外的下一代智能手机也将无法访问应用程序和服务,包括Google Play商店和Gmail应用程序。



Huawei has made substantial contributions to the development and growth of Android around the world. As one of Android’s key global partners, we have worked closely with their open-source platform to develop an ecosystem that has benefitted both users and the industry. Huawei will continue to provide security updates and after-sales services to all existing Huawei and Honor smartphone and tablet products, covering those that have been sold and that are still in stock globally. We will continue to build a safe and sustainable software ecosystem, in order to provide the best experience for all users globally.”


5月16日美国商务部工业与安全局(BIS)将华为列入所谓“实体清单”。谷歌则对外表示:“我们正在遵守这一命令,并审查其影响。对于使用谷歌服务的用户,Google Play和Google Play Protect的安全保护功能可以继续在华为手机上使用。”(“We are complying with the order and reviewing the implications. For users of our services, Google Play and the security protections from Google Play Protect will continue to function on existing Huawei devices.”)
